Why Hire a Life Coach?

What do you do when you realize that you are not happy with the life you are living? Where do you turn for support during a major change or transition? How do you clear out all those old messages of failure and limitation? How can you go from feeling hopeless to...

Can saying thank you change your life?

Are you a pessimist? An optimist? or a realist. Can how you think about, talk about and embrace the challenges of life determine your health, relationships and even wealth? There is a growing body of evidence that says yes! An attitude of gratitude can boost your...

I made a drum

I birthed a drum for my birthday. I am not sure why I wanted to make a drum. I do not have one that I use and have not been involved in drumming or a drumming circle. I was not even sure why I wanted a drum or why I wanted to make one and not just buy one. I organized...